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Team Bean Box

Ryan Fritzky

Ryan Fritzky

Founder and Co-Bean

Ryan started his career in marketing and product management, spending years working on products as wide-ranging as ad servers, search, and small business reputation management. He fell in love with fresh coffee at a tiny cafe in Fremont called Espresso To Go, and he is responsible for all of Bean Box marketing and physical product development.

Matthew Berk

Matthew Berk

Founder and Co-Bean

Matthew has been a software engineer for the better part of a quarter century, and considers himself a product-focused builder. He is the creator of the first local search engine (2002), and is the author of a wide range of patents on everything from VoIP to data mining. He's an equal-opportunity coffee drinker, but is fondest of fresh crop Geishas from Colombia. He's responsible for all software engineering, as well as manufacturing process and automation.

Maryna Gray

Maryna Gray

Coffee Curatrix

Maryna is responsible for all coffee curation and content creation. She manages everything from selecting roasters, to determining which coffees we feature, to which roasts work well together in our sampler boxes, to creating all label content and product descriptions. She is an active judge for the prestigious Cup of Excellence, and has been a part of helping them evaluate the world's best coffees at origin, in places such as Peru and Colombia.