COVID-19 Info
Updated March 24, 2020
Update: Washington State
"Stay Home - Stay Safe" Proclamation
As part of the Food and Agricultural sector, and a producer of coffee products, Bean Box will continue to operate as an "Essential Business Service", as
defined by the state of Washington.
Stay home, stay safe, and stay caffeinated!
The health and safety of our employees and customers is of the highest importance to us. We know that sending coffee to our customers is not only good for their spirits and morale, but can help us all avoid unnecessary trips outside.
Here's a sampling of what we're doing to stay safe, in addition to adhering to the suggestions of the CDC, the Washington State Department of Health and other agencies:
- Our freshly roasted and happy coffee beans are filled and sealed in their Bean Box pouches through automated packaging systems.
- All Bean Box employees who can work from home are doing so.
- The Beanery is operating with a tiny core crew, in a massive 8,500 square feet facility that gives us plenty of room to distance.
- We're adopting protocols for transfers of material into and out of the Beanery to be conducted outside, and for tubs of freshly roasted beans to be wiped down. We're also giving our employees masks and gloves to wear.
- We're emphasizing good hygiene. Let's just say that we're washing our hands more than Lady Macbeth, minus the guilt.
- Employees exhibiting symptoms will be supported with sick leave.
Bean Box is also an integral part of our local coffee roasting ecosystem, and at a time where cafes are getting very difficult to operate, our bulk purchasing of roasted coffee is ever more critical to our partners' continued operations. We're proud to both be and support local coffee businesses!
If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to contact us with any questions!
- Matthew and Ryan, Co-Founders