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Guatemala Cuchumatanes Organic by ETGLongshoremans Daughter Coffee - image 0


Roasted by: ETG/Longshoreman's Daughter Coffee in Seattle, WA
Roast Profile: Medium
Sourcing: Single Origin
Elevation: 1800 masl


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Roasted by: ETG/Longshoreman's Daughter Coffee in Seattle, WA
Roast Profile: Medium
Sourcing: Single Origin
Elevation: 1800 masl

Curator's Notes

This fudge-like Guatemalan cup isn't death by chocolate; it’s life by chocolate! Rich cocoa flavors abound in this smooth medium roast, with a sweet strawberry aroma and a finish like cocoa-dusted almonds and raspberries. This Guatemala Oscar Gomez comes from Longshoreman’s Daughter, a staple of the roasting community in Seattle. The owner's secret weapon is her ability to create medium-dark coffees that balance big flavors with a robust, toasty profile. And did we mention she’s an all-organic roaster? That’s just icing on the (chocolate) cake!

Roaster's Notes

This fudge-like Guatemalan cup isn't death by chocolate; it’s life by chocolate! Rich cocoa flavors abound in this smooth medium roast, with a sweet strawberry aroma and a finish like cocoa-dusted almonds and raspberries. This Guatemala Oscar Gomez comes from Longshoreman’s Daughter, a staple of the roasting community in Seattle. The owner's secret weapon is her ability to create medium-dark coffees that balance big flavors with a robust, toasty profile. And did we mention she’s an all-organic roaster? That’s just icing on the (chocolate) cake!

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