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Coffees that Taste Like Floral

Our top picks for Floral tasting notes this month.
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Phantom Limb #1581
Blackberry, Clean, Berry
Bright Blend #125
Berry, Floral, Citrus
Ethiopia Sidamo Decaf #1039
Almond, Floral, Sugar
Mocha Java Blend #93
Blackberry, Spice, Floral
First Bloom Spring Blend #1823
Chocolate Covered Strawberry, Chocolate, Floral
Peru Finca Churupampa #1825
Floral, Citrus, Juicy
Ethiopia Biruhi #1857
Lime, Floral, Mango
Palo Verde Blend #1882
Peach, Floral, Lemon
First Flowers Blend #1959
Velvety, Floral, Milk Chocolate
Colombia Cattleya #1979
Stone Fruit, Chocolate, Floral
Guatemala Fancy SHB #1981
Floral, Tropical Fruit, Cocoa