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El Salvador Malacara B Yellow Bourbon by Zoka Coffee - image 0


Roasted by: Zoka Coffee in Bellingham, WA
Roast Profile: Light
Sourcing: Single Origin
Origin(s): El Salvadoran
Tastes: Raisin, Date, Molasses
Varietal(s): Bourbon
Process: Washed
Elevation: 4500 feet
Good for: French Press


Raisin, Date, Molasses
Roasted by Zoka Coffee

★★★★★20 reviews

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Roasted by: Zoka Coffee in Bellingham, WA
Roast Profile: Light
Sourcing: Single Origin
Origin(s): El Salvadoran
Tastes: Raisin, Date, Molasses
Varietal(s): Bourbon
Process: Washed
Elevation: 4500 feet
Good for: French Press

Curator's Notes

Coffee date anyone? How about a date coffee? This year's Malacara B Yellow Bourbon is a silky cup with a sweet profile of medjool dates and cola syrup, and comes from the same Cup of Excellence-winning farm that Zoka has worked with for many years running. Delicious and from a good family to boot? This roast is a keeper.

Roaster's Notes

Our old friends at Malacara B have done it again: this year’s Yellow Bourbon offers a slinky, rich flavor profile with exceptional quality and bright notes of salmonberry, molasses, and blackberry. There's nothing left to say but, go ahead, order another round!

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Ratings & Reviews

★★★★★ 20 reviews

Share Your Thoughts
CHRISTINE 05/09/2020
"Smooth and sweet! Different than we generally like but very tasty. Perfect in the french press!"
JOSEPH 04/05/2020
"Good coffee. brown sugar and golden raisin were the ones I tasted the most. Would recommend"
RACHEL 04/01/2020
"Loved this one, just a great coffee. The flavors were spot on, not too much and the coffee smooth and easy to drink. "
DIANE 04/01/2020
"In the french press, had a lot of sweet and deliciousness. I really enjoyed with some milk. "
ILENE 01/04/2020
"exetremely delicious smooth and satisfying it was sweet and yummy."
KELLY 02/26/2018
"Medium bodied and smooth, fruity nut finish. A very decent coffee!"
SHYNEQUE 01/02/2018
"I loved the molasses taste in this batch, just wish the blackberry ame through a bit more. Expected it to be a sweeter coffee, but it wasn't which i enoyed very much."
GUNNER 11/30/2017
"Holy Molasses! Who would have thought that flavor in coffee would be so enjoyable. The blackberry notes really compliment everything so nicely. What a wonderful cup of coffee this brew makes. "
NICK 11/22/2017
"Delicious coffee. french press really brings out the flavors"
JANE 11/20/2017
"We really enjoyed this bright and sweet coffee. It’s unique but not overpowering and a perfect start to the day."