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Cloud City Coffee

Cloud City Coffee

Seattle, WA

Curator's Notes

Coming soon!

From the Roaster

My philosophy is unique in that it is based on a long café career followed by a shorter roasting career. As a café owner, I know intrinsically what my customers like and do not like. Most customers like medium and dark roasts. As for single origins, they have preferences based on an idea of what that origin is, such as earthy for Sumatra and fruity for Ethiopia. About 10% of my clientele are serious coffee enthusiasts and want to learn about origin, terroir, preparation and the best hands-on way to make coffee. When buying coffee, I buy to make the blends taste chocolaty with great acidity and body. I think about how each origin will taste in the seasonal blend. And I aim for fun tastes for the single origins. But regardless of the type of coffee, I aim for price transparency and fairness to the farmer.

Coffees from Cloud City Coffee have been reviewed 189 times, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5. Get a hand-picked selection of artisan coffees like this delivered fresh to your home with our Coffee Subscription Plans, or browse our unique gifts for coffee lovers.

Ratings & Reviews

Most Recent Reviews
MIKE 11/29/2024
"It was really good!"
THOMAS 11/19/2024
"The flavors match the profile and the unique Toffee taste came out even more with just a tbls of heavy cream"
CHELSEA 10/29/2024
"Smooth, nutty and full of flavor. I tend to make a caramel Machiato with this or a pistachio milk latte. I have already re-ordered and will continue to. It’s a favorite for sure!"
JEREMY 10/09/2024
"Great coffee. Loved it!"
JEREMY 10/09/2024
"Great coffee. Loved it!"
TYLER 09/06/2024
"What a beautiful blend. Love it. Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
TYLER 09/06/2024
"Cloud City - you remain one of my favorite roasters. You never let me down. "
ANDREW 09/06/2024
"A great blend! It has such a warm flavor. Feels like you are camping on a cold night."
JARRIE 08/26/2024
"Cloud City has outdone themselves with this roast ! As soon as you open the bag the mix of florals and berries beautifully begin to combine letting you know that a special cup is on the way. It is a fantastically refreshing and understated Ethiopian. So smooth. Clearly an all day coffee ☕️. Instant classic."
JO 08/04/2024
"I had this in May and I checked and the time before was three years ago and I get behind in reviewing most of the time. This blend is comfy and the chocolate comes through subtly and has a smokey sweet aroma, i'll get it again for a change and I like trying different roasts occasionally."