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Honduras Katia Duke Microorganism by Portrait Coffee - image 0


Roasted by: Portrait Coffee in Atlanta, GA
Roast Profile: Light & Balanced
Sourcing: Single Origin
Origin(s): Honduran
Tastes: Cherry, Lemon, Plum
Varietal(s): Catuai


Cherry, Lemon, Plum
Light & Balanced
Roasted by Portrait Coffee

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Roasted by: Portrait Coffee in Atlanta, GA
Roast Profile: Light & Balanced
Sourcing: Single Origin
Origin(s): Honduran
Tastes: Cherry, Lemon, Plum
Varietal(s): Catuai

Roaster's Notes

This lot of Catuai coffee underwent Microorganism Fermentation Washed processing. The process begins with taking the leftover liquid from a batch of anaerobically fermented coffee, called mossto, which is full of different yeasts and microbial cultures from the fermented coffee. This microorganism-rich mossto is used to fuel the fermentation of this lot of coffee. Freshly harvested cherries are depulped and fermented in ceramic lined tanks for 18–24 hours with the mossto added. The coffee is then washed with fresh spring water to remove the remaining mucilage. Washed coffee is dried on either raised beds or concrete patio, depending on weather conditions.

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