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Ceremony Coffee Roasters • Annapolis, MD

Shop Coffee from Ceremony Coffee Roasters

Caramel, Cherry
$18.50 $15.73
Sweet, Chocolate, Brown Sugar
$18.50 $15.73
Mass Appeal
Sugar Cookie, Sugar, Milk Chocolate
Dark Chocolate, Molasses
Peach, Creamsicle
Decaf EA Colombia
Cherry, Rich, Chocolate

About Ceremony Coffee Roasters

The idea of Ceremony Coffee begins with the belief that coffee itself is compelling… but the way it connects people all over the world, makes it infinitely spellbinding. Mesmerized by his recent vacation in Costa Rica spent visiting coffee farms, Vince decided to create Ceremony. This experience, and a belief that coffee should be something special — which later became Ceremony’s slogan — is what led Vince to purchase a roaster and begin the company out of his parents’ garage in Annapolis, Maryland in 2002.

Fast forward to present day and Ceremony Coffee has pushed specialty coffee in a way that is more accessible, approachable, and ultimately sustainable. When they source coffees, Ceremony not only considers the quality, but how much of the money is going back to the producers and their families, and what kind of work the importer or exporter is doing in the growing communities. Ceremony invites us to make coffee something special — and to include all of those involved in its long journey.

Coffees from Ceremony Coffee Roasters have been reviewed 39 times, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5.

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