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Small-batch coffees from microlots are seasonal and limited. Discover a new favorite before they're gone.
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Colombia - Chachagüí Natural #1894
Apple Cider, Banana, Mango
Antithesis #1974
Dark Chocolate, Molasses
Destroyer #1975
Peach, Creamsicle
Mass Appeal #1977
Sugar Cookie, Sugar, Milk Chocolate
Synthesis #1978
Caramel, Cherry
Mom's Morning Juice Blend #1990
Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Peace And Quiet
01 ESPRESSO #1991
Chocolate, Cola, Mango
03 AFRICA #1992
Honey, Blueberries, Dried Fruit
Orange, Dark Chocolate, Molasses
11 DARK  #1994
Black Currant, Milk Chocolate, Toast
Sweet, Nutty, Milk Chocolate
Ethiopia Demeka Becha Washed #1996
Mango Candy, Sparkly, Mango
Kenya Mukarimu Washed Lot #18 #1997
Grapefruit, Acai, Black Tea
Decaf EA Colombia #1998
Cherry, Rich, Chocolate
Spring Annuals 2024 #1999
Honey, Hibiscus, Peach Tea
Banner Dark Blend #2000
Graham Cracker, Toffee, Cocoa
Blueboon - Certified Organic #2001
Honeysuckle, Milk Chocolate, Mandarin
Colombia, La Magdalena, Tolima - Certified Organic #2002
Toffee, Apple, Concord Grape
Crown Point Espresso - Certified Organic #2003
Butterscotch, Raspberry, Chocolate
Ethiopia, Yetatebe, Shakisso - Certified Organic #2004
Lemon Custard, Lemon, Bergamot
Ethiopia, Kerchanshe, Uraga #2005
Pluot, Orange Blossom, Key Lime
Mexico, Finca Santa Cruz, Jose Arguello #2006
Muscat Grape, Honeydew, Strawberry
Honduras Nueva Esperanza, David Muñoz #2007
Caramel, Blackberry, Cacao Nib
Guatemala Las Terrazas, Renardo Ovalle #2008
Fig, Nectarine, Chocolate Mousse
Owl's Howl - Certified Organic #2009
Candied Orange Peel, Stone Fruit, Orange
Hunky Dory Decaf - Certified Organic #2010
Toffee, Red Grape, Bergamot
Toketee - Certified Organic #2011
Caramel, Apricot, Cacao Nib
Spring Equinox Blend #2012
Tamarind, Orange Blossom, Strawberry