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Coffees that Taste Like Apricot

Our top picks for Apricot tasting notes this month.
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Organic Honduras Decaf #502
Apricot, Chocolate, Cocoa
Sumatra Mandheling #530
Apricot, Smoky, Baking Spice
Equator Blend #1381
Marzipan, Apricot, Cedar
40 Latin Blend #1432
Grapefruit, Apricot, Cacao
Decaf World Tour {Water Processed Espresso Blend} #1851
Apricot, Almond, Chocolate
Decaf Ethiopian 'Sidama' {Water Processed} #1852
Apricot, Almond, Chocolate
Indonensia Java Papatong #1948
Apricot, Tea, Amaretto
Toketee - Certified Organic #2011
Caramel, Apricot, Cacao Nib
Jaguar Espresso Fair Trade Organic #2015
Apricot, Baking Spices, Hazelnut
Bolivia Finca Tacu Java Natural #2061
Melon, Honeydew, Apricot