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Oro Blend by Roseline Coffee - image 0


Roasted by: Roseline Coffee in Portland, OR
Roast Profile: Medium & Cozy
Sourcing: Single Origin
Origin(s): Colombian
Tastes: Caramel, Chocolate, Lemon Shortbread
Varietal(s): Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
Process: Washed
Good for: Espresso


Caramel, Chocolate, Lemon Shortbread
Medium & Cozy
Roasted by Roseline Coffee

★★★★★11 reviews
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Roasted by: Roseline Coffee in Portland, OR
Roast Profile: Medium & Cozy
Sourcing: Single Origin
Origin(s): Colombian
Tastes: Caramel, Chocolate, Lemon Shortbread
Varietal(s): Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
Process: Washed
Good for: Espresso

Curator's Notes

A symphony made solo: for the season, Roseline has compressed their house drip/espresso blend into a single flavorful Colombian. Caramelized sugar and dark chocolate notes pair lovingly with a splash of milk. It’s the new “gold” standard.

Roaster's Notes

Oro's focus is just as clear as any of our single origin offerings with more attention given to its development during the roasting process. This is a more full flavored coffee that lives in the realm of chocolate, rich caramel, and toasted nuts. It is perfect for everyday drinking.

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Ratings & Reviews

★★★★★ 11 reviews

Share Your Thoughts
WILLIAM 12/16/2022
"caramel and chocolate and a very good coffee. I enjoyed that it was light and easy drinking. I would def buy it again."
ZACH 10/31/2022
"caramel and chocolate coke through. A bit acidic. Was good with creamer. "
CRAIG 10/30/2022
"Pretty good. The caramel and chocolate come through. Thought it would be a lot better based on the smell. Still very decent."
PAULA 10/06/2022
"While grinding this coffee a little finer than for regular drip grind, I could smell some of the chocolate and carmel notes. These were also noticeable in the brew. I could detect a faint citrus taste. This is a smooth medium roast, perfect for fall season!"
KELLY 09/13/2022
"Meh. Nothing to complain about, but the flavor is not robust. More like tea than coffee."
WILLIAM 07/01/2022
"not too light, not too dark. Momma bear perfect. light caramel and easy drinking. "
WILLIAM 05/11/2022
"drip brewed with light smell, carmel, easy to drink. Loved the coffee"
IRIS 09/20/2021
"Beautiful smell. Haven’t brewed any yet but I’m waiting for a particularly cool morning to do so!"
DR. 07/18/2021
"This is a nice lighter roast. It's caramelly and easy to drink. It goes well with cream and without. Also makes a great cappuccino. "
NICOLE 12/03/2018
"The description of "chocolate, caramel, rich" should have resulted in much more flavor than I got from this - it was fine. Tried with chemex and Wave"