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Kenya Kamwangi AB by Portrait Coffee - image 0


Roasted by: Portrait Coffee in Atlanta, GA
Roast Profile: Medium & Cozy
Sourcing: Single Origin
Origin(s): Kenyan
Tastes: Dried Mango, Butterscotch, Strawberry
Varietal(s): Ruiru 11
Process: Washed


Dried Mango, Butterscotch, Strawberry
Medium & Cozy
Roasted by Portrait Coffee

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Roasted by: Portrait Coffee in Atlanta, GA
Roast Profile: Medium & Cozy
Sourcing: Single Origin
Origin(s): Kenyan
Tastes: Dried Mango, Butterscotch, Strawberry
Varietal(s): Ruiru 11
Process: Washed

Roaster's Notes

We are excited to introduce our latest release, a washed Kenyan coffee that is sure to delight your taste buds. This coffee embodies everything we look for in a cup, offering a dense complexity with delightful notes of strawberry, butterscotch, and a hint of dried mango. But what makes this coffee truly exceptional is how the flavors develop over time. We recommend trying this coffee at different intervals - 5, 10, and 15 days off the roast date - and taking note of how the flavors in the cup evolve. As the coffee rests, you'll notice subtle changes that will enhance your overall enjoyment. We're confident that you'll fall in love with this Kenyan coffee, just as we have.

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