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Crossfade Espresso Blend by Broadcast Coffee Roasters - image 0


Roasted by: Broadcast Coffee Roasters in Seattle, WA
Roast Profile: Medium & Cozy
Sourcing: Blend
Tastes: Caramel, Orange Marmalade, Chocolate
Varietal(s): Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Typica
Process: Washed
Good for: Espresso


Caramel, Orange Marmalade, Chocolate
Medium & Cozy
Roasted by Broadcast Coffee Roasters

★★★★★13 reviews
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Roasted by: Broadcast Coffee Roasters in Seattle, WA
Roast Profile: Medium & Cozy
Sourcing: Blend
Tastes: Caramel, Orange Marmalade, Chocolate
Varietal(s): Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Typica
Process: Washed
Good for: Espresso

Curator's Notes

A true Seattle classic, this balanced, flavorful espresso has been holding it down in Broadcast’s popular cafes since 2008. The post-roast blend of Ethiopian and Colombian beans marries a nutty chocolate body to a peachy sweetness. Jam on!

Roaster's Notes

Our ride-or-die espresso blend. We use Crossfade as a utility espresso in our cafes because of its balanced flavor. Great with milk, americanos, or neat - if you like Broadcast, this coffee is the reason why.

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Ratings & Reviews

★★★★★ 13 reviews

Share Your Thoughts
ERIKA 04/29/2018
"Not my favorite, but a still a nice cup. floral and fruity notes. Brewed with a v60."
KARA 04/21/2018
"Pear was noticeable. It was fine as a light roast, but not my favorite "
CINDY 04/15/2018
"Not really a fan of this one, tasted kinda fruity but weak"
KRISTAN 03/02/2018
"I am not a fan of this one. It's very fruity and light. So if that's what you're looking for it's probably a good blend for you. "
CHERIE 02/26/2018
"Still new to coffee tasting and learning how to distinguish the flavors, but this one is our favorite so far."
DONNA 02/13/2018
"This blend was quite delicious with a mild hint of pear."
MILISA 11/11/2017
"It was too light of a roast for us. We had to drink it as a shot because to add cream would water it down too much. Perfect if you enjoy a light roast. "
CHRISTINE 08/03/2017
"Not a fan of this one, a little light and nothing special about it for me, I gave to my husband for morning coffee since he thinks all coffee taste the same!!"
SANG 07/23/2017
"This used blend was pull on espresso machine and Im usually not a fruity type of person but the blend isnt quite bad. Strong on fruity with a hint of nutty and floral. The light blend is a bit weak but makes it easy to extract with no bitterness."
NATHAN 04/11/2017
"Not my favorite espresso ever. Seemed a little too fruity, but did have a good scent"