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Brazilian Coffees

Our top picks for seasonal Brazilian coffee.
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Brazil Canaan Estate #255
Toasted Nut, Stone Fruit, Nutty
Unleaded Decaf #181
Caramel, Toasted Oat, Citrus
Brazil Signature Series #1787
Nutty, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate
Brazil Fazenda Frutas #1855
Grape, Mixed Nuts, Nutty
Brazil Cerrado Highlands - Certified Fairtrade #1919
Bittersweet Cocoa Nibs, Burnt Orange Peel, Molasses
Brazil Coopfam - Certified Fairtrade #1920
Honey, Peanut And Cashew Brittle, Praline
San Coffee Peaberry - Brazil #1973
Raisin, Toffee, Almond
Yellow Bourbon 120hr Anaerobic - Fazenda Samambaia, Brazil #1988
Caramel, Honey, Candied Fruit
Yellow Bourbon 58hr Aerobic - Fazenda Samambaia, Brazil #1989
Tropical Fruits, Citrus, Brown Sugar
Brazil Rio Brilhante #2040
Melon, Pineapple, White Chocolate
Brazil Ipe Amarelo #2066
Milk Chocolate, Peanut Butter