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Cafe Carmelita #1103
Caramel, Cocoa, Buttery
Brazil Canaan Estate #255
Toasted Nut, Stone Fruit, Nutty
Milk Money #684
Caramel, Black Cherry, Chocolate
Carmelita Decaf #1129
Caramel, Butter, Cocoa
Ethiopia Guji Natural #1236
Vanilla, Blackberry, Dark Chocolate
Old School Blend #864
Caramel, Almond, Dark Chocolate
22 Organic Dark Blend #1344
Cacao, Dried Fruit, Molasses
Roaster's Choice #2
Port Wine, Anise, Dark Chocolate
S.O. Blend #628
Caramel, Toffee, Chocolate
Upland Blend #1271
Caramel, Milk Chocolate, Toasted Almond
Seven Hills - Espresso Blend #1600
Caramel, Oreo Cookie, Balanced
Bearded Lady #58
Cherry, Vanilla, Cocoa Powder
Midnight Rider #857
Cherry, Nutty, Brown Sugar
Organic French Royale #1160
Smoky, Bold, Bittersweet
Thesis #1377
Sweet, Chocolate, Brown Sugar
Dark Side of the Moon #294
Caramel, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate